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Prescription For Spiritual Health

By W. D. Regester, M.D.


 This booklet is not a story of my conversion, but its result. After a traumatic conversion—something like Saul’s and Jacob’s combined—it seemed as though the Lord said, “OK, Regester, I know you are weak, so I will hold the devil in abeyance and let you get your feet on the ground emotionally, spiritually, and theologically.” At first the ease and peace of my spiritual pathway was truly amazing, then overnight— as if I had suffered a stroke—it seemed that all the demons in hell attacked. Suddenly I seemed all alone—without help. I wondered if anyone else had ever undergone such a dramatic shift in the intensity of temptation. What should I do? 

I did an appraisal of my devotional life (90 minutes in the morning and an hour in the evening) and found it to be pretty well intact. When I talked to some of my theologian friends, they reminded me that the Christian life is one of spiritual warfare. I needed and appreciated such reminders since the years of my previously easy spiritual life had made me complacent. 

Of course, I studied the Bible and found, to my relief, that many of God’s children had endured aggressive attacks from the enemy. I found that Jesus was made perfect “by the things which he suffered” (Hebrews 5:8, 9) and that James reminds us that we should “count it all joy” (James 1:2) when Satan tempts us. I must confess, however, that I have not arrived at that junction in my spiritual journey. 

As a result of my experience, I have concluded that we must—under the guidance of the Holy Spirit—establish an individualized, unique, personal lifestyle that will serve as powerful potions against Satan. It is my hope that this little book will assist in that endeavor. The first prescriptions are for chronic, ever-present spiritual “illnesses.” 

Now and then an “acute illness” strikes. The emergency prescriptions hopefully will be spiritually lifesaving.