Revelation Seminar
Bible Study
Fundamental Beliefs PDFs
Lessons 1-14
L1-Word of God
L2-The Godhead
L3-God the Father
L4-God the Son
L5-God the Holy Spirit
L7-The Nature of the Human
L8-The Great Controversy
L9-The Life, Death & Resurrection of Christ
L10-The Experience of Salvation
L11-Growing in Christ
L12-The Church
L13-The Remnant & its Mission
L14-Unity in the Body of Christ
Lessons 15-28
L16-The Lord’s Supper
L17-Spiritual Gifts & Ministries
L18-Gift of Prophecy
L19-The Law of God
L20-The Sabbath
L22-Christian Behavior
L23-Marriage & the Family
L24-Christ’s Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary
L25-The Second Coming of Christ
L26-Death & Resurection
L27-The Millenium & The End of Sin
L28-The New Earth
Fundamental Beliefs PowerPoints
Care Teams
Season-Of -Service
Prepare Ministry-50-Lessons-Book
Online Giving
Ministry And Administration Site
Glory In The Cross Questions
Start Quiz
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What did Paul mean when he said he would glory only in the cross of Christ?
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What does the cross reveal about God?
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What reconciliation does the cross bring about?
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How does the cross free you from the guilt, penalty, and power of sin in your life?
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What does the cross of Christ have to do with the baptism of the Holy Spirit?
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What deliverance is available to you because of the cross of Christ?
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What will be the science and song of the redeemed throughout eternity?